I cannot believe this kiddo is already 18 (alright, almost 19) months old! He is so busy and fun right now! It seems like the time is just flying by and before I know it he'll be 18 and off to college (or a mission). Good thing I'm having another baby to keep me from getting too upset at Isaac for growing up.
18 months marked the magical day where we could start sending Isaac to the nursery at church. Andy and I have been looking forward to this day for months! I mean, 2 whole hours each week of just getting to sit and listen to/participate in the lessons? It sounds like a dream...and it still is. The first week went great. I took Isaac into the nursery, introduced him to the nursery leaders, got him distracted with a ball, and then slipped out. He stayed in for the whole 2 hours no problem. I, on the other hand, wanted to cry as soon as I dropped him off (can we blame that on pregnancy hormones?). It felt so weird to just sit in between classes and not be chasing Isaac around or trying to entertain him. The next week didn't go so well. He started crying as soon as we walked in the door (every other kid was crying too). Since everyone was crying he never calmed down and eventually ended up back in classes with us. The third week (last week) was even worse...he had a fever so we didn't even take him. He sat on Andy's lap quietly all through Sacrament meeting and Sunday school, but then when we split for Priesthood and Relief Society he started bawling because I was leaving (we ended up going home because he was so upset that he couldn't be with both of us). We have our fingers crossed that this week goes a little better.
Isaac's reaction to me trying to clean the apartment. |
Checking for studs in the door. |
Eating some yogurt and fresh peaches. We're working on spoon control. |
In his new life jacket. Now I won't have to worry about him so much at the pool! |
All this growing is exhausting! |
Falling asleep while eating. |
A few other things about Isaac at 18 months:
- He's grown 6 inches since his birthday. It's no wonder I feel like he constantly needs new clothes! Thanks to all the growing, he's thinned out a little everywhere. His cloth diapers are the only thing that keeps his shorts up. I sometimes think about potty training him, but I don't know where we would find pants for his skinny little bottom if he didn't have on a diaper!
- He HATES wearing a shirt. The only way I can put one on him is if I do it when I change his diaper; otherwise he goes around shirtless because it's not worth the tears that accompany getting a shirt put on.
- He likes to build towers with his Legos...and he's actually getting pretty good at stacking and unstacking them.
- His favorite toys are still my kitchen utensils...and unfortunately now he can slide his hand in and grab a few things out even with the drawer locks. He loves helping me cook though! As long as I pull up a chair for him to stand on and give him a few things to play with he's as happy as a clam helping me to make dinner (or anything else that needs making)
- This boy is so strong and so smart. This morning he pulled a chair up next to our TV stand, climbed on it, and stood next to the edge so he could reach around into the bookcase that's right next to it so he could try to grab my laptop that was sitting on one of the higher shelves (you know...so he can't reach it). Nothing is safe! Yesterday he pulled the utensil draw out as far as it could go with the drawer lock and used it to try to walk up the closed cabinet beneath it.
- Isaac LOVES his dad! It takes him a few minutes after Andy comes home to forgive him for being gone all day, but he seriously LOVES Andy.
- Isaac is teething with a vengeance. After a few months of me worrying if he was ever going to get molars, he's simultaneously cutting molars and canines. 6 teeth in a month is serious business (the two that haven't come in yet are the molar and canine on his bottom right side). Hopefully it's all over before we go to Utah in a week and a half. Then we'll be done for another 6 months or so!
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